Local Phone Number With Voicemail Services for New York City and Nationwide
We offer virtual phone numbers with voicemail in Manhattan (area code 212) and all over the United States to our virtual office clients.
All of our voice mail numbers include a generous 2-minute outgoing greeting and allows callers to leave up to a 3-minute message. Your mailbox will allow you to store 99 new and 99 saved messages for up to 50 days.
Includes a dedicated number in the area code of your choice. This service is a flat $10 per month for a 2-month term, or $15 a month for a 1-month term, with no setup fees or additional charges
Includes a dedicated number in the area code of your choice. Receive an email with your voice mail message attached as a .wav file. You can listen to your voice mail on your computer without ever logging in via phone. The date and time the message was left, as well as the caller ID (if available) will be provided in the body of the message. This service is a flat service is a flat $10 per month for a 2-month term, or $15 a month for a 1-month term, with a one-time setup of $10 for each email address with a maximum of three email addresses.
Includes a dedicated number in the area code of your choice. When you have a new message your voice mailbox call you to notify you of new messages. This service is a flat $15 per month for a 2-month term, or $20 a month for a 1-month term with no setup fees or additional charges. Message notification is available to US phone numbers only
Includes a dedicated number in the area code of your choice. When you have a new message your voice mailbox call you and play you your new voice mail messages. This service is a flat service is a flat $15 per month for a 2-month term, or $20 a month for a 1-month term with no setup fees or additional charges. Message delivery is available to US phone numbers only
If you have any special needs such as call forwarding, announcement only, extended greeting length, emailing messages to multiple email addresses, etc., please let us know. We can do just about anything to customize your voice mailbox
Voice Mail Features
Voice Mailbox Configurations
How it works:
When anyone calls you, the phone is answered with YOUR voice, or anyone's voice you use - giving any message, greeting or advertisement you want. You can change the greeting at any time from any touch-tone phone as often as you want.
To pick-up your messages, you call your voicemail number. The voice prompt will ask you to identify yourself with a password that you select, and can change as often as you want, so you have total privacy.
The voice prompts will tell you how you can play each message one at a time. First you hear the time the message was left followed by the message left by the caller. You can repeat each message as many times as you want, rewind it, or fast forward through it. When you are finished listening to the message you can either save or discard it.